Odp: Leading guestions+1
jamesc at venturalink.net
jamesc at venturalink.net
Fri Aug 18 21:03:21 GMT 2000
Why would you need a lambda interface to amplify the Oxygen signal? My research
found O2 output straight into a 10 bit A/D has enouph resolution to determine
not only stoichiometric or not, but a full range of A/F ratios. Please correct
me if I'm wrong since I'm now designing my own computer
Marek wrote:
> All informations about lambda interface you can find on National
> Semiconductors site .They have special chip for lambda sensors LM9040.
> Marek
> > The interface chip is supposed to have a gain of 4.5. This amplified
> > output goes to the "5 volt" ADC chip. Assuming the ADC uses 0 & 5.0
> > volts as its reference range, the O2 sensor can usefully range from 0 to
> > 1.11 volts. If the ADC references to 5.12 volts, the O2 can go as high
> > as 1.14 volts. (The spec defines full scale to be an input of 1 volt,
> > with the output to the ADC at 4.5 volts.)
> >
> > The interface chip is tested to handle input voltages from -1 to +1
> > volts. It is designed to handle -3 to +1 volts. And it lets the smoke
> > out beyond -3 and +16 volts.
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