Booster delete and MAF

David Cooley n5xmt at
Wed Aug 23 00:06:15 GMT 2000

At 07:27 PM 8/22/00, you wrote:

> > I thought you had an electroboost unit?
>Did have for about the first of week of ownership.  After reading up on them
>decided to go to the vac booster.  After seeing a little boost with this set
>up, trouble can happen in an instant.  Just figuring for min surprises in
>the event of any failures.
>   would like to find an non P/S S-10 with big tires to drive, concidering
>losing the P/S, or switching to a different power assist

You check out the GNttype web page?
They have instructions on the vac booster swap.  Seems there is only one 
vaccum check valve that works and doesn't make you lose the brakes every 
time you see boost... They have part numbers etc on the 
page. and it's in the tech section.

David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT at
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