4 Cylinder DIS?

Bruce Plecan nacelp at bright.net
Fri Aug 25 01:25:52 GMT 2000

The DIS modules output the same *labled pinouts*
The kickers seem to be
some dis systems use reluctor and some use hall effect switches
the spark latency (timing correction per rpm) is different from all 3.
The initial ref angles vary from app to app.  ie on the crank trigger stuff
it's 60, and the hall 70, and I'm sure there may be others.
So using a distrib., vs dis has some work to be done for translating
from one to the other
   87 Black Car did 100m trip without incident, well  other then the little
guys,  carring on.   Theyz be some happy dudez

> Would I be correct in assuming that there are *no* standard GM
> DIS (that's DistributorLESS Ignition System) modules that have
> the standard REF, EST, BYPASS, and GND four wire GM interface?
> How about after market 4 cylinder DIS modules for the GM interface?
> TIA, Peter.

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