4 Cylinder DIS?
Bruce Plecan
nacelp at bright.net
Fri Aug 25 05:21:16 GMT 2000
Bashful!,Doc!, Dopey!, Sleepy!, Happy!, Sneezy!
Who filed the 5.0 diagrahm win the V6 Material.
I'm warning you guys.
Ah, yep
heads will roll over this
Makes more then 2 errors this century
> The V6 uses a GM DIS module, and the V8 uses a Bosch ignition
> module with reluctor pickup distributor.
> Shannen Durphey wrote:
> > Just out of curiousity, what prompted your original post?
> I have an (in-line 4) Mini and a (flat 4) AlfaSud. I want to get
> rid of their distributors by using a Hall pickup on the crankshaft
> pulley.
> I guess I shouldn't re-invent the wheel...
> > > How available are these modules?
> > Very. They were used on US GM cars from the late '80s to the late
> > 90's, and possibly still are.
> What are these 4 cyl DIS modules called (part number?) What's a bone
> yard price for 'em? Are they reliable?
> Peter.
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