Duty cycle formula
Walter Sherwin
wsherwin at home.com
Fri Aug 25 23:49:30 GMT 2000
Your first equation, YES, but only for SSDF operation (fire a bank once per
crank rev). When SSSF kicks in (fire a bank once per two crank revs), then
A transition to ASYNCH fuel, from SYNCH, would further mess with this
Your second equation, YES, but only provided that the injection event is
"allowed" to span the time frame of two crank revs in the logic. Commonly,
it is not allowed to, and in fact is oft constrained to a variable window of
opportunity based upon operating mode.
> Hi all,
> I am wanting to verify a formula with you guys that I have been using
> for quite some time...I have a terrible cold and must be using a different
> part of my brain today :) Does this seem like a correct formula???
> PW x (RPM/60) / 1000 = duty cycle for bank fire
> PW x (RPM/120) / 1000 = duty cycle for sequential
> Am I sick or is stupid is as stupid does??? :)
> -Carl Summers
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