Promgramming 101A intro, and misc notes
nacelp at
Wed Aug 16 12:14:05 GMT 2000
At this stage I consider that the DIY-WB has a life of it's own, and truely
thank those that participated in getting it this far. It's wonderful,
seeing it reach this stage. I just hope that some folks will finish things
off with the bells and whistles to make it neat as practical. There is a
huge lession in this, which hasn't been at all addressed. You can look for
designing absolute perfection, and worry about every possible detail, are
just get on with things, and actually start working on something, and do the
tweaks to get it close. When the project first started, it was, research
research research. then there was a blow up on and off list about the
money end of it. It got so bad with every new guy that subscribed that
things were just repeated to death. It got so bad, the the whole thing went
off list so that some actual work could get done. Originally there were
several guys that were involved in actually designing and building a working
WB. It was Chad that actually stuck with it and got the first one running.
I have one of the first WBs, and was comparing it to latest version, hard to
believe how far it's come in the last year. Bob and those related to his
effort sure as heck deserve some atta-boys on the amount of work that went
into it.
Just to rehash some old ground to get the new guys up to speed, several
years ago "we" had promgramming 101. It was a early attempt at cracking GM
code. The basic theory was reverse engineering a GM ecm by just using brute
force. change by change to the bin, and documenting what it all meant.
Thanks to a talented few we got alot of help on the finer details, and
toward the end were about at wits end, when Ward Spoonmore gave a huge hand.
It was shortly there after that he as the ecmguy gave away alot of info.,
and released Tunercat. He's been gone now for a little over a year, and I
hope others will for a moment remember how much he contributed to the list.
Anyway, we're going to make another run at things and work on some more
code, here at CSH, HQ, and will be sharing what we find. Again, this is
being attempted here, without adult supervision, so we will be making
errors, and hope that those that know better will help correct the errors
made. I'm working on a one of a kind ecm for the moment, but all the
basics will, carry over to any early series GMecm. If you want to try and
follow along I'm going to basically be working off of Treprom, if you want
to slide over to, and snag a copy that might help you.
I'm saddened to even go over this again, but it seems like I have to every
so often. I just write what I write, if you have issues with that, they are
your issues. If you want to read an attitude into it, fine, go ahead, but
on or off list don't bother me about "how" I say things or the attitude you
read into it. Anything off list that I receive, I reserve the write to
address on list. Just that simple. If you carefully read what I write, I
just explan things as I see them, or experiences that I have, things that
are common fact, and supported in the archives, are stated as facts. There
is nothing to argue with in either case. I will be responding less, off
list, since I have things to do. If my answers seem blunt and too the
point, well, they are just blunt and to the point. Again, if you want to
read something into that, well happy reading. If I want to set my clock or
date to something else other then what you PC is set to, that is my option,
no need to hit reply and act like you've made some sort of big discovery. I
don't tell you how to set up your PC, so just let me run mine the way I see
Yes, I have medical issues. I enjoy cars, alot. I try to share what I
know about cars in part to deal with the medical stuff. They do and will
continue to overlap. Maybe, I should go back to using Grumpy, just as a
clue to anyone that doesn't have a clue about who I am, could just write me
off as being Grumpy.
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