Greetings from a "new" member

Dave Williams dave.williams at
Tue Feb 1 15:42:00 GMT 2000

-> I recognized a lot of names while rooting through the
-> archives... some folks that I hadn't seen/heard from
-> since the days of the HotRod list 8-9 years ago. It's
-> good to see the same old voices (does that make sense?)

'bout time you decided to drop in and say hello.  Some of the rest of us
camp out on the low-fanglers' list and waste bandwidth -
fanglers at


 I'm still reading the archives.  I'm almost to 1997 now...

 In other news, I got my wife to tag all the wires on my '730 harness
the other evening.  Now I can strip out the non-EFI stuff.  Why couldn't
GM have done like VW or Freightliner and just numbered the wires?  This
'color' stuff is all a complex hoax...

==dave.williams at
I've got a secret / I've been hiding / under my skin / | Who are you?
my heart is human / my blood is boiling / my brain IBM |   who, who?
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