'165 to '730

Davis davis at mail.eecis.udel.edu
Sun Feb 6 01:23:28 GMT 2000

Everybody loves responding to their own posts... 8-)

I spent some more time Archive surfing  (are the new archives going to be free
of headers?  Search results able to be NEXT or PREV read instead of going
back/forth?  Just suggestions...)

I found in the archives where I will need a new Knock Sensor for the '730..
I'm planning on putting it in the Drivers Side block plug and running it into
ECM adaptor with the 3 extra MAP wires.  I also found/recalled that my original
ECM (1985 '870) did have the 4th gear switch signal, the '165 just didn't use
it.. I can adapt it back into the '730 no problem...  I'm going to walk down the

street and peek at a '92 Z28 to see if it's EGR has a diag thermo sensor, so
I guess the only real major battle is the VSS..

I found alot of references to the VSS and the '730, but not much on adapting an
old buffered VSS signal to the '730..  I'll keep searching but I thought I'd
my original post...


Davis wrote:

> Ok, here goes a brain dump.. Feel free to ignore, reference Archives, or
> provide
> any insight..  (I've found bits in the Archives, but nothing
> authoratative)
> In going from a '165 (MAF) to a '730 (MAP) I've run into the follow
> questions:
>     1) How does the buffered VSS signal from the '165 get converted to
> the "Hi" and
>         "Lo" VSS inputs of the '730.  (I'm assuming that the 2000ppm and
> 4000ppm
>         output of the '730 are not needed for my older speedo and cruise
> systems)
>     2) My trans doesn't have a 4th gear switch in it.  Do I have to
> build a signal
>         generator for it, or what will happen to the '730 if it never
> sees the car enter
>         4th gear?
>     3) I couldn't find a EGR Diag input on the '730.  Do those cars not
> check the
>         EGR temp for proper opperation?
>     4) I'm assuming that I can jumper the knock sensor directly into the
> '730, by
>         shorting out the disconnected ESC  connector.  Is this correct
> that the same
>         knock sensor used in the '165/ESC system can be feed directly
> into the '730
>         input?
> Anything else to consider?
> (I thought someone who was doing a 165/730 swap was going to put up all
> the
>  nitty gritty somewhere?  Anyone know where?)
> thanks
> mike
> http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~davis/z28

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