diy'er causing a recall

KasaRyan at KasaRyan at
Thu Jul 13 17:52:01 GMT 2000

Hey if you guys have major problems with things, call the mfg'r, don't just 
take it back to the store.  I work for philips electronics (lighting) and we 
and every other mfgr needs the help from knowledgeable people.  Many times 
the company will even make it worth your while if you help them solve a 
problem.  Others just don't care.  I got new injectors that dont make any 
noise from holley by doing this, and a complete manual to carter AFB carbs.  
I also had the same bosch sensor problem . .. but unfortuately I was lazy and 
just went across the street too.  We send out free lamps to people that help 
us find short life issues.  If a product has a problem and you know what it 
is, keep trying and you eventually get thru to someone who cares!

Thanks for listening to my electroyappin!
Ryan Hampl - a K-State Grad!    kasaryan at
139 Hoover Ct.                  Controls Engineer (tubes rule!)  
Salina, KS  67401               97 B12 / 86 V65 / 93chevy truck EFI 383
phone  (785) 825 5831           I'M ALWAYS FIRST TO THE GROCERY STORE!
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