Lean Cruise.

Bruce Plecan nacelp at bright.net
Mon Jul 17 13:55:29 GMT 2000

This is just shooting from the hip, but, might have been a wild enough cam
that it was forcing the ecm to hunt from lean cruise to not lean cruise.  Or
something wierd in decceleration.  I saw a cal some years ago that looked
really strange, and wrote back for the application, and the cam was just
crazy,  ie over 300d duration, and like .56" lift.
  As you get to 220d at .050 things really started to change alot

> I was looking at an aftermarket Memcal tonight and noticed they had
> the Lean Cruise function and maxed out the values to enable lean cruise.
> normal factory cals do have it enabled.
> The Memcal is from a fairly modified MAP V8 with man trans, even so, why
> disable it?.
> Would it hurt to re-enable it?.

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