Idle Block Learn Cell ??
realsquash at
Tue Jun 13 14:31:34 GMT 2000
I figured it out yesterday... The original idle speed for an aujp is 600, mine is now set to 800
rpm. I made the mistake of having a chip done by a S&P, and now i'm fixing all the stuff they did
wrong (like they didn't change the VE table or idle BLM cell, etc).
There is a bit in the anht_hac that says something about disabling "CCP" at idle, is CCP a learn
My setup has run 10 out of 16 cells, but i'm sure i can get into the rest if I try...
Now my problem is the BPW. I switched the idle cell to 13 (the correct one for 800rpm/50kpa) and
now I can actually tune it. But it appears that I can't take enough fuel out, so I dropped the
BPW to 5.008 from 6.7 (location 41A). That had the desired effect, (leaning it out), albeit a bit
too much. But the commanded AFR now reads 19.9:1. I think maybe I should change the injector
flow (41C) instead, but i don't quite understand what effect that will have. I'm scanning the
archive files now.
Any ideas? I've found the spots in my VE maps that need to have the least fuel and I need to
bring it all down a notch.
--- rr <RRauscher at> wrote:
> (With the pulling of fuel not affecting your idle, double check that
> you are changing the right area. All it takes is setting up the .ecu
> file incorrectly, been-there, done-that).
> As for the blm idle cell=4, it is sometimes difficult to understand why
> gm does things. If I had to guess, it would have to do with drivability.
> Maybe to prevent a drastic change in an area that is then used when
> 'coming' off idle. Maybe to prevent a rough idle from switching between
> two cells. On the '747, certain conditions will prevent an int reset to
> 128 when the cell selection changes. Like whether the O2 is sensing a
> rich condition, or the ecm is in decel enleanment.
> How many other cells have you seen in use? Are all sixteen used, or
> just a couple? AZTY 730 v6 bin only uses three cells, idle, cruise and
> a decel cell. That's all I've ever seen used. Other bins use two cells,
> throttle open, and throttle not open.
> hth's
> BobR.
> Squash wrote:
> > While doing some tuning this weekend, I decided to work on the idle. It's been running
> > 51kpa/800rpm with 4/108/100 cell/blm/int. I went into the lower VE table (aujp) and around
> > 800rpm/51kpa I pulled fuel out, which had no effect on my idle! So I checked around the ANHT
> hac
> > and there is a setting for which cell to use at idle. It was set to 4, and I had assumed
> > something else, so I was wrong there. But 4 is *not* where 800/51 is located.
> >
> > Why would I want to use cell 4 for idle?
> >
> > Squash
> >
> > =====
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