Abbrviations General EFI
Bruce Plecan
nacelp at
Sun Jun 18 14:36:13 GMT 2000
Any Additions?.
Other wise it's to FAQ
Abbreviations, that are used in general ecm conversations
ABDC After Bottom Dead Center
ABS Anti skid Braking
AC Alternating Current
A/C Air conditioning
AE Accleration Enrichment
A/F Air fuel Ratio
AFR Air Fuel Ratio
AIT Air Intake Temp
AIR Air Injection Reaction
ALCL Assembly line communications link
ALDL Asembly Line Diagnostiv Line
AT Automatic Transmission
ATDC After Top Dead Center
AWG American Wire Guage
Baro Barometric Pressure
BBDC Before Bottom Dead Center
BTU British Thermal Units
C Celsius
CCP Controlled Canister Purge
CID Cubic Inch Displacement
C/L Closed Loop
CP Canister Purge
CPU Central Processor Unit (the brains in the ecm)
CTS Coolant Temp Sensor
DB Decibels
DC Direct Current
DC Duty Cycle On time, compared to total event time expressed as a percent
DFCO Decleration Fuel Cut Off
DIS Distributorless Ignition System
DVM Digitial Multi Meter
ECM Engine Control Module
ECU Engine Control Unit
EFI Elecronic Fuel Injection
EGR Exhuast Gas Recirculation
EGT Exhuast Gas Temp
EPROM Erasable Programable Read Only Memory
ESC Electronic Spark Control (Knock Control)
EST Electronic Spark Timing
F Fahrenheit
FED Federal (emissions package)
HEI High Energy Ignition
IAC Idle AIr Control
IC Integrated Circuit
ICE Internal Combustion engine
Injector On Time Time in milliseconds that an injector is on
ISC Idle Speed Control
KS Knock Sensor
MAF Mass Air Flow
MAP Manifold Absolete Pressure
MAT Manifold Air Temp
kg Kilogram
Kilohertz (1,000s cycles / sec)
kPa Kilopascals (Pressure)
L Liter (about 60 cubic inches)
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure
MAT Manifold Ait Temp
MDP Manifold differential Pressure
MEMCAL Memory Calibration Unit
MFI Multi-port Injection
MT Manual Transmission
NC Normally Closed
NEU Neutral
NO Normally Open
NPTC National Pipe thread Course
NTPF National Pipe Thread Fine
O2 Sensor for detecting rich lean exhuast mixtures, gm so far uses this
type, and it has a high slew rate and therfore is more of a swich
OTS Oil Temp Sensor
RAM Randon Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
P+H one way of firing an injector High initial voltage to open then a lower
to keep it open
PCM Powertrain Control Module (engine and trans control)
PE Power Enrichment
Port, MPFI, Multi Port, each cyl has it's own injector close to intake
PS Power steering
PSI Pounds per square inch
PSIA PSI absolute
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
QT Quart
R-12 Refrigerant
RAM Random Access Memory
RAP Retained Accessory Power
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
RR Right Rear
RTV Room Temperature Vulconizing
RWD Rear wheel crive
SES Service Engine Soon (Light)
TAC Thermostatic Air Cleaner
TB Throttle Body
TBI Injection system where the injectors are mounted above the butterflies
TCC Torque Converter Clutch
TCM Transmission Control Module
TDC Top Dead Center
TH Turbo-Hydramatic
TPS Throttle Posistion Sensor
TRC Throttle Return Control
TV Throttle Valve
TVS Thermal Vacuum Switch
SEFI Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection
SI Saturated Injector *constant* voltage current
VATS Vehicle Anti Theft System
VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor
WB O2 this sensor differs from the O2 in so far that it is designed for a
*linear* ouput
WOT Wide Open Throttle
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