Bruce Plecan
nacelp at bright.net
Thu Jun 29 01:47:59 GMT 2000
This is a general statement about the gmecms, and is subject to modification by application.
Each application has a unique memcal. Each memcal has a four letter (and 4 digit) broadcast code which is also unique for the application (most often, there are exceptions).
Air Fuel Ratio
The air-fuel ratio is maintained at 14.7:1 during closed-loop operation. This ratio is too rich for maximum economy and too lean for maximum power. During warm-up and power enrichment, a rich air-fuel ratio is used [less than 14.7:1]. During lean cruise operation, a lean air-fuel ratio is used
Barometric Pressure
Barometric pressure is sometimes calculated from the manifold sensor voltage. It is corrected for the pressure drop through the throttle body at low engine speed and throttle openings to give barometric pressure. Manifold pressure is scaled to reflect variations in barometric pressure. Some applications read the MAP between the key on to crank posistion.
Battery Voltage
Battery voltage is monitored by the ECM. Variations in battery voltage can cause fluctuations in fuel delivery ei. injector opening delay and fuel pressure. The ECM compensates injector delivery parameters for voltage fluctuations. It also disables certain outputs if battery voltage falls outside operating limits.
Coolant Temperature
Coolant temperature is calculated from the coolant sensor voltage. The sensor is a negative temperature coefficient thermistor (resistance decreases as temperature increases), and two pull up resistors are used to increase the resolution of the sensor over the operating range -40 to 152 deg C. Coolant temperature is used extensively in ECM calculations and lookups.
Engine Crank
The engine crank time counter is incremented each 100 msec from the time the first ref pulse is received until the time at which the engine is determined to be running.
Engine Speed
The ECM determines engine speed from calculated from the elapsed time between distributor reference pulses and the number of engine cylinders, which is contained on the memcal for each application.
IAC Motor Position
The IAC motor is a stepper motor, one end of which is fitted with a pintle. The pintle is stepped into and away from an orifice, which bypasses air around the throttle blade. The Idle Air Control motor position is measured in steps, where 0 steps is fully extended and corresponds to no bypass, and 255 steps is fully retracted and corresponds to full bypass. When the engine is idling, the IAC motor position will vary to maintain a desired idle speed. In closed loop idle the IAC motor position is varied based on difference between actual rpm and desired rpm to maintain the desired idle speed.
Idle Delta RPM
The absolute difference between the current idle speed and previous idle speed is calculated and averaged over the last 20 readings. The result is an averaged indication of the variation in idle rpm, which gives an indication of idle quality.
Idle Speed
Idle speed is obtained from engine speed. It is filtered or damped to remove cycle to cycle fluctuations, which occur at low engine speeds.
Injector Time
The injector time is the time in milliseconds which the injector is turned on. This time is proportional to the amount of fuel injected. The injector time is modified to take account of battery voltage (the injector takes longer to open with reduced voltage, also fuel pump pressure is less) and injector turn-on time.
Injector Voltage
The injector voltage is monitored by the PCM. This allows for more accurate pulse width compensation for voltage fluctuations at the injector than battery voltage alone.
Manifold Absolute Pressure
Manifold Absolute Pressure is determined directly from the MAP sensor voltage. It is scaled over the limits of 10 - 104 . MAP is proportional to engine load. It is used extensively as an estimate of engine load and as an independent variable for table lookups. It is also used together with rpm and volumetric efficiency to calculate the air consumption of the engine.
Long Term Fuel Trim (BL)
An array of block learn cells, or adaptive learn cells, is stored in non-volatile memory. Each cell corresponds to an rpm and map range, and the array covers the engine operating range. They compensate for individual engine operating characteristics which are present over long periods of time (they arc also called Block Learn Multiplier cells). When the engine is operating in closed loop, the fuel term is calculated and then multiplied by the block learn cell corresponding to the rpm and map conditions present. The block learn cells are constantly updated in closed loop mode. For learning to be enabled the engine must have operated in the relevant rpm and map region for a number of seconds. Note also that block learn values are interpolated, so that neighbouring cells may also influence the block learn value. When the cells are cleared by disconnecting the battery it may therefore take some time before the cells attain steady values.
The effect of these cells is thus to compensate for rich or lean regions caused by manufacturing tolerances, wear or malfunction. Because they reflect the engine operating conditions over the operating range, they are a useful source of diagnostic data.
The block learn multiplier ranges from 0:255. Values less than 128 indicate a negative term , and values greater than 128 indicate a positive term. When the engine is operating in open loop a value of 128 is used for the block learn cell.
Long Term Fuel Trim Cell
An array of block learn cells, or adaptive learn cells, is stored in non-volatile memory. Each cell corresponds to an rpm and map range, and the array covers the engine operating range. The cell number indicates the cell currently being used as follows:
rpm 1200 1600 2400 3200
3OkPa 0 5 10 15 Idle DRAC OFF 20
4OkPa 1 6 11 16 Idle DRAC ON 21
5OkPa 2 7 12 17 Idle PN AC OFF 22
6OkPa 3 8 13 18 Idle PN ACON 23
70kPa 4 9 14 19
Manifold Air Temperature
Manifold temperature is calculated from the manifold sensor voltage. The sensor is a negative temperature coefficient thermistor (resistance decreases as temperature increases). Manifold temperature is used together with coolant temperature to calculate inlet air temperature.
02 Cross Counts
The 02 sensor has a very small linear range, and is used as rich lean switch. The number of times the 02 sensor switches from rich to lean and vice versa is used as an indication of a properly functioning sensor.
02 Sensor Voltage
The 02 sensor voltage is proportional to the exhaust gas oxygen content. The voltage varies from 0 - 1100 mV. A value less than 450 mV indicates a lean condition, a value greater than this indicates a rich condition. The 02 sensor reacts very quickly, but must be hot to operate properly. Some models have a heated 02 sensor, which enable them to reach operating temperature sooner. The 02 sensor has a very small linear range, hence can only indicate a rich or lean condition - it can't give a good indication of magnitude. The 02 sensor is used to provide feedback on engine operating conditions when operating in closed loop, where the air/fuel ratio is maintained at stoichiometric. This ratio is a compromise it is too rich for maximum economy and too lean for maximum power. The engine typically operates in closed loop except at high load regions.
Reference Voltage
Reference voltage is the voltage supplied to the ECM resistive input sensors (clt, mat,tps,map etc). It should be very close to 5.0 volts.
Road Speed
Road speed is calculated from the elapsed time between speed sender pulses and a calibrated constant which incorporates variables such as axle ratio and tire size. It is scaled to give road speed from 0:255 mph. This variable is used for example in idle logic to determine if the vehicle is moving. A separate road speed variable is calculated for automatic transmission vehicles for torque converter clutch and shift logic.
Short Term Fuel Trim (Int)
When the engine is operating in closed loop, the air/fuel ratio is maintained at stoichiometric and the 02 sensor voltage provides feedback on engine operation. The 02 voltage indicates either a rich or a lean signal, and the ECM, which integrates or sums this signal, multiplies it with the fuel sum. The ECM increments the integrator if the 02 signal indicates a lean condition, and decrements the integrator if the 02 signal indicates a rich condition. The longer the ECM receives, say, a lean signal, the larger the integrator term becomes, and the larger the resultant fuel term becomes after it is multiplied. The longer the ECM receives a rich signal, the smaller the fuel term becomes after it is multiplied. The short term fuel trim is proportional to the sum or integral of the error, so it is also called the integrator. The stft ranges from 0:255. Values less than 128 indicate a negative term, values greater than 128 indicate a positive term. When the engine is operating in open loop the integrator is set to 128.
In practice, in closed loop the 02 voltage varies continuously between rich and lean - the system oscillates around the stoichiometric point.
Spark Advance
The spark advance indicates the crankshaft degrees before Top Dead Center at which the ECM outputs a spark signal to the ignition module. Primary spark advance is calculated according to engine rpm and load. It is modified for coolant temperature, barometric pressure and knock amongst other variables.
Spark Retard
Spark retard is subtracted from the spark advance reading. Spark retard is calculated according to the amount of engine knock sensed by the ECM if a knock sensor is present.
TPS Sensor Voltage
Throttle position is calculated from the tps sensor voltage, and scaled to 0 - 100% tps. The ECM calculates percentage throttle from the lowest and highest tps sensor voltages seen by it, and scales percent tps between these values.
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