Help with '85 Corvette '870 ECM
gellett at
Tue Mar 21 21:43:32 GMT 2000
Hello, I have done the '870 to '165 swap. Solved some problems for me, and
there's a lot more support out there for it.
Mike Davis on this list has done the swap as well. His webpage on the subject
is at:
superchevy wrote:
> Craig,
> I'm in the same boat you're in - just learning (also fellow forum member -
> 18carfan). Did you see the forum post that mentioned the site where the
> fellow changed from an '870 to a '165 ECM. Seems like a pretty good idea.
> Lot more support out there for the 1227165 it seems like. Anyway, let's keep
> and touch and learn as we go. I also just got the Tunercat software, a
> burner, eraser, etc. I also picked up some kinda emulator that plugs into
> the burner and the other end (ribbon cable between them) plugs into the ECM.
> Suppose to let you change stuff on the fly but I don't know - we'll se i
> guess.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Craig Marcho <marcho at>
> To: <gmecm at>
> Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 6:51 PM
> Subject: Help with '85 Corvette '870 ECM
> > Okay, I've got a Needham's PB-10, a Datarase II, Tunercat software.....
> all
> > I need is to know what the heck I'm doing! I've tried changing some things
> > in the software, but I don't know what to change. Any help would be
> great...
> >
> > Here's what I've done:
> >
> > Rebuilt '85 TPI motor, everything is stock except cam: 280/280 advertised,
> > 214/214 @ .050, .443/.443 lift. I've opened up the airbox lid, removed maf
> > screens, bypassed TB coolant line, no cat, and Ford 24lb Injectors.
> >
> > Now, where do I start making changes? My BLM numbers are about 118 around
> > town, and at WOT they hit 128 like they should, and O2 sensor is about
> 938.
> > Is there somewhere in Diacom that tells me what LV8 is being used at any
> > given time? What things should I change in the chip for my cam and
> > injectors? I've got the stock '870 ECM with some 2732A EPROM's.
> >
> > I'm also looking for an ecu file to use with Winbin. Anybody made one yet?
> >
> > Thanks for any guidance!
> >
> > (I've read tuning101, but still need help with the '870 MAF system....)
> >
> > Craig Marcho
> >
> >
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