David Cooley n5xmt at triad.rr.com
Sun Sep 3 15:33:11 GMT 2000

At 09:08 AM 9/3/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Was at the recycling center the other day, and they had a bunch of Ford
>engines in the core area, couple of them had a TB with a 90d elbow at the
>flange side.  Which might come in handy for doing a turbo conversion to a
>carb manifold, or limited above engine room transplant.

If those were 5.0L V8's they were from Explorers... They used the 90 to 
make room for the intake parts.  Mustangs had room to come off either 
straight to the pass. side, or a 45 degree bend to the front.

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