[Gmecm] Re: Fuel Economy

Mark Romans romans
Sat Sep 17 00:34:38 UTC 2005

Look, who made you god?

If you want to add clarification that's fine!  

Don't correct my ass ok?  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: gary 
  To: gmecm at diy-efi.org 
  Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 5:29 PM
  Subject: Re: [Gmecm] Re: Fuel Economy

  > I was responding to Darrell....
  >> No No No!  You can't run a wide band in place of a narrow band.. 

  Mark, I understood to whom you were responding to.  I merely
  corrected your previous statement.  I'm confident with a lot of 
  WB software, your statement will hold true however.

  > Interesting idea about using a WBO2 sensor, has anyone actually tried 
  > this?  I mean replacing a stock NB with a WB on a stock computer?

  :confused:  Well, sure.  Why else would I post it?  :)  On numerous
  vehicles/OEM PCMs, both foreign and domestic.  To avoid CEL on 
  some (domestic) vehicles it is necessary to simulate O2 heater
  circuit with resisters however. 

  > That in combination with changing the voltage threshold may allow 
  > you to set the AFR to a slightly leaner mixture overall.

   Yes!  That is what precisely has been done, richer or leaner.  Details 
  can be found (with search feature) on forum section of link provided.  


  ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Mark Romans 
    To: gmecm at diy-efi.org 
    Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 6:55 PM
    Subject: Re: [Gmecm] Re: Fuel Economy

    I was responding to Darrell <ndarrell at telusplanet.net> when he said...

    "Cowen: (and all)

    Well, you are right, second times the charm.  Thank you for 
    responding anyway, and getting a little action going on the thread.  
    A lot of this information will be useful, thanks to all who posted on 
    the topic.  Some of it went way over my head, but I'm here to learn.

    Interesting idea about using a WBO2 sensor, has anyone actually tried 
    this?  I mean replacing a stock NB with a WB on a stock computer?  
    That in combination with changing the voltage threshold may allow you 
    to set the AFR to a slightly leaner mixture overall."



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