[Gmecm] Acquiring ECM schematic

Ryan Hess rgmecm
Mon Jun 12 13:17:38 UTC 2006

Do you Carlton owners have a secret online source for the wiring diagrams?  I'd like to compare those to the ZR1.  I assume you guys run sequential as well?


Webmaster at lotus-carlton.fsnet.co.uk wrote: Fame :-)
I have worked out a partial circuit diagram. It's not complete, because I got confused with the DIS/Ignition drive circuits. I'm prepared to put what I've got on incomming - does it work yet ?
I can't speak for the ZR1 guys, but us Lotus Carlton owners have a very strong owners club in the UK. Of the 380 odd cars sold in the UK, over 200 are known to the club. In the past 5 years I'm aware of about 5 ECU failures. These appear to all be ignition related - misfires that can only be cured by swapping ECU's. I've got about 3 ECU's which have been replaced all with the same reported fault. Some day I'll get round to trying to fix them. My worry is that the fault will be in one one of the Delco specific chips on the iocard. If that happens, then we're going to need 'common' ECU's to scavenge parts from.
Does anyone have experiance of the typical ECU failure modes on the ZR1? 
Malcolm Robb
-----Original Message-----
From: Todd A. Pepmeier [SMTP:tpepmeie at yahoo.com]
Sent: 11 June 2006 20:48
To: gmecm at diy-efi.org
Subject: RE: [Gmecm] Acquiring ECM schematic
Malcolm Robb has done a really nice job with hi-res pics of the 8331 ecm.
Can be found here:
All of the chips are labeled with part number, but it takes some cross-referencing to figure out exactly what they are functionally.

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