[Gmecm] More '730/$8D tuning questions...

Robin Handley Robin
Fri Apr 20 19:45:22 UTC 2007


Clair sent me 3 .bins, which I have each compared byte-for-byte with ANHT.

The .bin that calls itself AXXC differs massively from ANHT ($8D), right 
through (including code). This indicates to me that the .bin calling itself 
AXXC isn't $8D. Is this a fair conclusion, or are there different code 
versions of $8D?

The other bins only differed from ANHT in the calibration area, but both had 
the top (warm start?) vector set to $0000, whereas ANHT has it (correctly, 
IMO) set to $B000. Should these two bins run at all?

Certainly, since all their code is the same as ANHT, AIUI their ALDL should 
behave exactly the same as ANHT, and I've used ANHT ALDL w/o any problems, 
with ALDLMON and my own s/w. Have I missed anything?


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