[Gmecm] Help me get my LT1 a new sticker

pmkls1 at yahoo.com pmkls1
Thu Sep 15 13:21:02 UTC 2011

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-----Original message-----
From: "pmkls1 at yahoo.com" <pmkls1 at yahoo.com>
To: Ron Gregory <ron at gregoryusa.net>, gmecm at diy-efi.org
Sent: Thu, Sep 15, 2011 01:31:40 GMT+00:00
Subject: Re: [Gmecm] Help me get my LT1 a new sticker

If you have access to E85 then not only will you get it to pass emissions  
testing but you will also not want to run gas in it ever again. I suggest  
that you run the car as low as possible on gas at home and fill up a five  
gallon container with E85 and then put it in the car once you have it as  
close to empty as possible. For a starter tune, take your normal tune for  
the car and increase the injector constant 30%. You will also want add a few  
degrees of timing advance across the entire table. That will get the car up   

and running and probably pretty well too. Before you begin to alter the fuel  
maps any you will need to run at least a tank of E85 through the car to  
ensure the alcohol content is as close to what is at the pump ( it is  
probably 85% there right now but it does range from 70-85% ). From there  
just watch your fuel trim values and alter the fuel map to suit. If you end   

up wanting to play with the E85 ( which I think you will ) I will give you a  
few pointers. First, you will  need to richen up the AE and PE tables a  
little to avoid hesitation. Second, you will need to mess around with the  
ignition timing, but keep in mind that E85 likes more advance however you  
can easily hurt power by adding too much advance and not know because in  
that engine you will not experience detonation with E85 no matter how much  
advance you add. Also, you will have to add more fuel to your cold starting   

tables avoid extended cranking and bad hesitation in cooler weather 

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