<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2> Maybe this is a Top Secret GM-CIA special "Sprinkler Injector" GM Part #
<BR>"Free99toNeBodyWhoWantsIt"...?? Well come to find out I was running at 51Psi
<BR>Fuel pressure!! The fuel pressure gauge I use to set my Adj.Fuel Regulator
<BR>was defective. I just put on a brand new Liquid Filled gauge and it was
<BR>reading nearly 51Lbs. not 42Lbs. like I thought!! Could this be the reason
<BR>these Injectors failed like they did?? I also noticed that a few have a
<BR>different # stamped on the side, tho they seem exactly the same in every way.
<BR>Maybe these were replaced before?? I did notice I was NOT the first person to
<BR>do this on the Vette. TIA
<BR> Justin
<BR>PS Approx. how much would slightly larger aftermarket Injectors run??(say for
<BR>400+ Hp) And what is the stock Lb. Hour??</FONT></HTML>