The files...
John S Gwynne
Wed Nov 2 04:16:13 GMT 1994
In message <Pine.3.89.9411011710.A27498-0100000 at> , you w
| Could someone let me know a little about the 68hc000 postscript files? I
| am under the impression that it is a schematic of an EFI unit, but 400k
| bytes seems a *little* large for one schematic...
Large? Just wait till version 1.0 comes out next month :). The ps
file is indeed a schematic, but not a complete controller yet. The
file prints five pages that, when taped together, yield a D-sized
drawing of the CPU portion of what will be a controller. For more
information, check-out the DIY_EFI's WWW server at
There you will find the schematic, a couple of photos, and a
description. In short, this 4"x6" board is a complete single board
computer that has been tailored for EFI control. In the next few
months, a second expansion board will be added to support the EFI
This project represent the first controller to be shared in this forum
and should not be viewed as more than that (although, I do encourage
people to build it and HELP with its development :) ). It is my hope
that those who do build something (**anything**) share it with this
group so that the rest of us may learn and benefit from your
experience. I have chosen to work with the 68000 since it is the
cheapest entry into the m68k family that opens the door to a great
deal of GNU software (gcc, gas, binary utilities, glibc, gdb,...) and
the RTEMS kernel. I encourage others to work with the CPU of their
choice, and hopefully we can all share information on interfacing and
control algorithms.
John S Gwynne
Gwynne.1 at
T h e O h i o - S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y
ElectroScience Laboratory, 1320 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212, USA
Telephone: (614) 292-7981 * Fax: (614) 292-7292
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