Internet access -- Removing foot from mouth

Rod Barman rodb at
Fri Apr 7 23:00:00 GMT 1995

> Same here.  No more ftp.  It's a very sensitive subject.  I'd often like to
> do more than lurk, but I'm trying to walk that fine line.  To those out 
> there, please be sensitive to this situation.  Phrases like "contact at 
> <company name>" might tip the balance.  I know no one would cause difficulty 
> intentionally, but you might not be aware of how sensitive this issue can be
> at some companies.

I wasn't aware that the situation was so delicate.  I've made a few such
comments in the past and if they've caused anybody trouble I both
regret making them and apologize.


Rod Barman, IRIS ISDE-6 @ Laboratory for Computational Intelligence
University of British Columbia
rodb at

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