Andrew Dennison ADEN at mechman.mm.swin.edu.au
Mon Apr 10 05:56:13 GMT 1995

> From:          "H. Blemings" <hugh at asi1.anutech.com.au>

> I'm a recent (OK, This morning :) subscriber to the list and was wondering
> if there is a FAQ available.  I've had a look 'round the WWW stuff - my 
> thanks and compliments to those who put it together - but was looking for 
> some stuff which is probably more FAQ oriented.
Hi Hugh

It's good to see another aussie on the list!  Unfortunately there 
isn't a FAQ for this list.  I've got a summary of another project 
that has spun off this list.  This project (designated EFI332) is 
aimed at the development of an EFI system which is based on the 
Motorola MC68332 - a 32 bit processor with a timer subsystem ideal 
for EFI.  I will send the summary to you seperately.  If you want to 
subscribe to that mailing list use the same process as you just did 
but substitute EFI332 for DIYEFI.

> So the plan is to build what will hopefully prove to be a 
> fairly generic hardware system (HC11 probably) and evolve the software as 
> our experience grows. 

There are people on the list who have used the HC11 extensively 
(myself included) but I'd suggest joining in on the EFI332 

Andrew Dennison - Research Associate
The CIM Centre
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61 3 214 8296
Fax:   +61 3 214 4949
WWW:   http://cim.mm.swin.edu.au/welcome.html

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