
Black Feather Electronics douglas at
Wed Apr 12 05:44:40 GMT 1995

On Tue, 11 Apr 1995, Jeffrey S. Armfield wrote:

> In case you haven't heard, California Air Resources Board is starting to
> talk about an OBD III standard. Part of this new 
> standard incorporates some Hughes developed remote monitoring technology.
> Each car will have on-board telemetry that will allow monitoring of your
> vehicle's diagnostics. If your "Check Engine" light turns on, you get a nice
> letter from CARB that tells you to
> get your engine fixed pronto.

Since their computer isn't expecting a signal from you, unless you 
transmit, then it would be easy to just *snip* the transmiter out, or 
just put some foil over the whole thing till you decide to transmit again.

Makes you wonder why these guys go through so much to try to control your 
life, when they can't even control their own budgets.

You know that soon they are going to "outlaw" those little chips that 
make your car perform better, stating that you have modified SMOG 
equipment and that's a violation.

"OK buddy, pull over.... my HC11 watchdog sniffed a illegal chip in your 
system, I need to search your car for contraband chip sets"

I can just see it on "COPS" TV show.  <- they already show guys violating 
people's inalienable rights, and no one says anything about it....

Black Feather Electronics       |  Home of the U-HC11 Microcontroller
645 Temple 7B                   |  Boards, Kits and other 68HC11 stuff
Long Beach  California  90814   |  Email for info or visit the www page
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