Steve Knickerbocker 512-356-3000 X6759
Steve.Knickerbocker at SEMATECH.Org
Fri Dec 8 22:18:15 GMT 1995
Assuming a V8, reconfigure as necessary for your application.
Why don't you use 5 imbedded magnets in the harmonic balancer and
two pick ups to determine firing positions. Four of the magnets
would be 90 degrees from each other, starting at TDC for #1
cylinder. Place these four magnets at the outter edge of the
balancer. The fifth magnet would be positioned at TDC for #1
cylinder as well but at the inner edge of the balancer. One pick
up would sense the four outer magnets and the second sensor would
sense the fifth magnet. If you don't have room to run the pickups
side by side then off set the fifth magnet, x# of degrees from TDC
for #1 cylinder, and the corresponding pick up. Just make sure
both sensors read both magnets at the same time. I'd dial in the
maximum ADVANCE you want and use the controller to delay from max
advance based on the knock sensor and to a lesser extent the
coolant temp sensor. Remember too much advance can cause
overheating. I'm pretty sure you would'nt even need a vacuum
input, for advance based on vacuum. Just input the spark knock
signal and the pick up signal to a variable delay ckt, o/p that
signal to all divide by 4 (/4) ckts, o/p /4 to ignition coil driver
ckt #1 and to /4 ckt #2, etc. for however many coils your running.
The ignition coil driver ckt will need to determine dwell and
handle the current necessary to drive your choice of coils as well
as limit the current so you don't burn your coil out. Just
thinking here. I'm not an engineer just a tech but I think this
might work. If any one wants to help me prototype a schematic and
help me out with component selection I'd be willing to cobble a
prototype ckt, at my expense and test it on my Dart. I'd even post
the results and share the info with all of you. Email me if you
like. See acsii "art" for /4 ckt.
Steve M Knickerbocker
sensor 2 i/p _____
--------------| /4 |-.----------- to coil driver #1
--------.-----|_____| |
sensor | __________| trigger for next /4 ckt
1 i/p | | _____
| '--| /4 |------------- to coil driver #2
obviously these need to be triggerable divide by four ckts. The
trigger for #1 /4 ckt is the pulse from the second, fifth magnet,
pick up. all others will be triggered by the preceeding /4 ckts
o/p to the coil drivers. What say you?
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