Robert King king at khis.Kodak.COM
Tue Feb 28 20:11:02 GMT 1995

> > I woas wondering whether anyone has trying to soup up a Ford car with 
> > EEC-IV and CFI.  I know the car uses a MAP (manifold absolute pressure) 
> > sensor to determine the amount of air going into the engine.  I have the 
> > 5.0L V-8 with CFI and I wanted to make it more like the 302 H.O.
> > 
> > Thanks
> >    Hans-Christoph
> 	Ford Motorsports  sells a kit to convert it to mass air.

   Are you sure you're not referring to the Motorsport kit to convert
from Speed Density SEFI (or "Multiport") to Mass Air SEFI?  I've never
heard of a kit to convert from CFI to anything...

-- Robert King

| Robert A. King                |                                       |
| Systems Software Engineer     |        "Dulce et decorum est en       |
| Kodak Health Imaging Systems  |        medio coitu mori"              |
| king at            |                 -- Nelson Rockefeller |
| The opinions expressed here ain't even mine, much less my employer's! |

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