Retrieving ECM data with PC

David Cooley cooldave at
Tue Jan 17 12:45:00 GMT 1995

On Mon, 16 Jan 1995, John T Stein wrote:

> I am trying to find software (PC) to read out, decommutate, and 
> display data stored in a General Motors engine control computer.  
> Does anyone have, or know of the existence of any such software?
> Any other information about the format and organization of the 
> telemetry available at the ALDL connector; e.g word sizes, baud 
> rates, data order, etc. would be appreciated as well.
> I would expect the ALDL data rate to be low enough to allow the data 
> to be received by the PC serial data port.  I would also expect that 
> the only hardware needed would be a line receiver for the ALDL data 
> and a suitable driver to sink the ALDL test pin to ground.  Are these 
> assumptions valid?
> I am sure this has all been done by someone already, does anyone 
> out there have any experience they could share with me?
> Thanks, 
> John
Rinda Technologies sells a package called DIACOM.  Software for the PC 
and a cable from the PARALLEL port to the ALDL connector.  About 300.00
Dave Cooley

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