68000-vs-68332 (long) was Re: [EFI68k] new release and group survey

jsg jsg
Wed Jan 25 21:40:43 GMT 1995


   In message <m0rXAkm-000uKFC at twisto.eng.hou.compaq.com> , you write:

| Is the EFI bus the same?

The bus on version 1.00 is the same as version 0.90 
with the addition of an external address
select and external data acknowledge lines.

| Have you considered one of the 68xxx embedded types? (ie 68332)
| What are the pro's and cons of these versus a 68000?

I now have a couple of 16MHz 332's and will
(someday) have a 332 version of this board that
will have the same bus and be code compatible.
These are the trade-offs as I see them

- 16MHz 68332 is 50% faster than 16MHz 68ch000
  (that's on average)
- neither chips have the bit field instructions
  (020 and higher only)
- 68332 has a vbr register (makes porting code from
  say a 68020 easier)
- 68332 chip count will probably drop by 4 or 5
- 68332 is (approx.) $55 68hc000 is (approx.) $17
- several weeks worth of "free-time" to redeveloped
  the board. :(

I believe that with the 67f687, the 68hc000 is more
than fast enough for EFI (IMHO).

For more information, try the comp.sys.m68k FAQ
on bode.ee.ualberta.ca:/pub/motorola/general.

                                     John S Gwynne
                                        Gwynne.1 at osu.edu
             T h e   O h i o - S t a t e   U n i v e r s i t y
  ElectroScience Laboratory, 1320 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212, USA
              Telephone: (614) 292-7981 * Fax: (614) 292-7292

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