more questions about details

Ciciora Steve sciciora at
Thu Mar 9 02:28:47 GMT 1995

(sorry, it's not easy for me to include a previous post)
Someone asked about voltage output from sensors.  I have 'calibrated' several
GM MAP sensors, and found them to be very similar in calibration from unit to
unit (same part number), and very dependent on reference voltage.  I even made
a plot of output voltage vs Torr, but it is on a hard disk that is no longer
attached to anything :-(  In other words, the output is a fraction of the input
voltage.  If the sensor is at half scale, then the output would be half the
input.  I have been meaning to check the temperature coefficient of these guys.
 Humm, mabe I'll dig up that hard disk and recover my data...
-Steven Ciciora
Oh, ya.  They are also an 'absolute' sensor.  Ambient pressure changes with the

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