o2 and EGT questions

Jody Shapiro cons090 at oitunix.oit.umass.edu
Thu May 11 21:41:36 GMT 1995

>1. Do O2 sensors have a 'cusp' output where Vo decreases  as mixture
>goes from lean to stoich, and then increases as mixture becomes rich? Or
does it
>have a generally positive (or negative) slope, with a characteristic
>voltage at stoich?
>              ^   \        /                  
>              |    \      /                  
>              Vo    \    /     Cusp 
>                     \  /                    
>		      \/              
>                <-Lean ----Rich->
>                           /
>                 ^        /
>                 |       /
>                 Vo   - -    Slope
>                     /
>                    / 
>                   /

I'm not positive on this one, but I believe that the second one is correct...


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