Ignition module

Michael F. Sargent MSargent at gallium.com
Mon May 15 15:27:32 GMT 1995

> I'm a little reluctatnt to determine knock
> characteristics by experiment.

Why? I little knocking won't hurt anything. As soon as you hear knocking,
back off and no permanent damage will be done. If the EFI system is working
right, you'll never hear the knock. If you do, it means your EFI system needs
more work.

After all, after an engine is more than a few years old, the best way to set
the timing is usually by ear. :-)
| Michael F. Sargent   | Net: msargent at gallium.com | Phone: 1(613)721-0902 |
| Gallium Software Inc.|                           | FAX:   1(613)721-1278 |

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