Q: dual ended ignition coil
Brian Warburton, c/o Turbo Systems Ltd
bwarb at turbo.win-uk.net
Fri Nov 24 17:03:34 GMT 1995
>use a standard coil and make a Y splitter using some some glass
>epoxy board and some sutible studs and insulate the thing with
>silicon rubber all the dual coil is in my estimation is an
>standard hei coil with two outputs in parellel " there's a
>schematic in my buicks chilton"
I'm not really a hardware man, more a dyed-in-the-wool real-time
assembler programmer, but I would imagine that paralleled plugs and
leads on a single coil would result in the plug with the least
resistance path to earth getting the whole discharge and the second
plug seeing nothing ..... i.e. only one plug would fire.
For a source of double ended coils, we recommend the Ford double
coil-packs used on the latest Zetac engined cars to our customers.
Cheap and reliable, or so we've found ..... only difficulty seems
to be in getting hold of the connector.
Brian Warburton, "Still searching for the perfect curve....."
email: bwarb at turbo.win-uk.net
Advanced Automotive Electronics Ltd,
Van-Nuys, Scotlands Drive,
Farnham Common, England. SL2-3ES
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