C for embedded controllers
Bruce Bowling
bowling at cebaf.gov
Tue Nov 28 22:57:56 GMT 1995
~ It would be interesting to see code however ... but I'm thankful Ed
~ has contributed as much as he has to the cause.
Yes, I agree! The circuit he posted which conditions a relector
pickup works like a champ for me!
~ I'm a firm believer in C, 32-bit embedded control and if you Delco/Moto
~ guys would get off your butts and make us a power pc micro with a TPU
~ then I could add floating point to that list.
Is it really that hard to do floating point on the '332?
- Bruce
Bruce A. Bowling
Staff Scientist - Instrumentation and Controls
The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
12000 Jefferson Ave - Newport News, VA 23602
(804) 249-7240
bowling at cebaf.gov
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