EFI for senior project. Where to begin?
Dixon Cole
dcole at austin.ibm.com
Tue Nov 28 22:54:46 GMT 1995
I'd like to do a project on EFI because it encompasses my
automotive/motorcycling hobby and my EE/Computer profession. Besides walking
into my professor's office and saying "I want to do an EFI project.", where
should I begin as far as how to structure the project, what goals to set,
documentation to plan for, time constraints, etc. This next semester will
be my last, so it'll have to fit into a single semester, which I think is
reasonable. I have a couple of possibilities for target vehicles, one being
my Honda XR600R dirt bike and the other being my
'89 GMC truck. In general, what are the requirements for a successful
project? I'd appreciate some feedback from people who have been there
before, and maybe some advice on how to approach a professor with a such
a project.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Dixon Cole
Dixon Cole - dcole at austin.ibm.com IBM RISC/System 6000 Division, Austin, TX
(512) 838-8971, T.L. 678-8971 Level 3 Support
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