C vs Assembler debate
Eric Derflinger
derflinger.1 at postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu
Thu Nov 30 04:30:18 GMT 1995
David J. Doddek wrote:
>Please folks, the debate over which is better, C or Assembler or whatever
>else that you want to use has went on long enough. This list is for
>constructive information exchange on ideas relating to fuel injection and
>engine control. If you have a usefull routine for timing, fuel calculating,
>or whatever please share it. Other wise, lets not clog up the list with
>arguments. If you are experienced in assembler and like to use it, then use
>it or if you are good at C and like to use it then use that tool. They both
>have their places with advantages and disadvantages. If you want to have a
>debate then exchange phone numbers and go at it. Lets not ruin a good thing
>line so many news groups do.
I consider the debate between C vs. Assembly a very justifiable debate on
this list. As a learner in this arena, I would like to know the differences
in using C and Assembly in fuel ignition systems because I too am starting
to build a electronic system for a Race Car at Ohio State and would like to
know why a person would use C or assembly in embedded systems. Many people
have cast their opinions which has helped me in analyzing my choices.
Thanks everyone.
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