O2 sensors - WWW

Jody Shapiro jshapiro at CS.Cornell.EDU
Mon Oct 2 22:36:44 GMT 1995

From: 	Jens Knickmeyer[SMTP:knick at ibr.cs.tu-bs.de]
<Daniel Harry Elsberg> wrote:
> > >
> > >>From a WWW page about O2 sensors, I got the following information:
> > >
> With so many replies and quotes, I don't even know who wrote this in the
> first place, bu I have been looking for this homepage and have not for the
> life of me been able to find it.  Can someone post the address for it, and
> maybe add it to the resources or www pages portion of the DIY_EFI page.
> Thanks,
> dan

That was me (see below).

The WWW page is

I contacted that site a long time ago and do not know if it still works,
so please check out before adding a pointer to it on the DIY_EFI page!


The new f-body page is at:

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