Mail for:- n.mulvana at

John S Gwynne jsg
Mon Oct 16 17:06:30 GMT 1995


   In message <30827C1B at wturner> , you write:
| Exactly, but as Tom Walter has pointed out, the sender part of outgoing messa
| ges
| was incorrectly set to DIY-EFI. Oops! :-)
| William

Not true.... Since the creation of DIY_EFI, the sender line has always
been either owner-diy_efi or Diy_Efi-Owner. Both are still aliased.

                                       John S Gwynne
                                          Gwynne.1 at
               T h e   O h i o - S t a t e   U n i v e r s i t y
    ElectroScience Laboratory, 1320 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212, USA
                Telephone: (614) 292-7981 * Fax: (614) 292-7297

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