Knock sensor display project.

Craig Pugsley c.pugsley at
Tue Apr 2 05:31:34 GMT 1996


The Australian electronics magazine 'Silicon Chip' has just published a
project which applies filtering to a knock sensor signal and displays
the severity of the knock on a bar graph display

It seems the magazines here are doing more of these sorts of projects,
which provides useful information for those of us who don't work
professionally in the area and don't have several hundred $ to sift
through piles of stuff for the few 'pearls of wisdom'.

When I buy the magazine I will post info on where you can buy a kit (for
the benefit of those outside Australia without access to the magazine).


PS, perhaps the 'vendor list' should have a section for relevant kits
that are available, as this is the third I have found in the last 6

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