ATI Supercharging

Jim Pearl JVP at
Fri Apr 5 15:39:02 GMT 1996

Aww geez - he DID tell us what car etc. - excuse the last (most) part of my 
last post. My foot tastes nice thanks.

Miata huh? I take it you've spoken to Peter Farrel (sp?). He's right up the 
street and a heck of a nice guy - I also notice he uses an FMU on his 
Miatas (as I recall). Don't like them and excessive richness is what likely 
killed your cat (pardon the pun).

As I understand it - the cat it supposed to burn off extra fuel and noxious 
gases right? Dump extra fuel into it and it gets HOT. This is why I'm told 
it's not supposed to be installed on many SCCA type cars - fire concerns. 
Mine have overheated (pretty red and blues) and I know it's from running 
rich although the Walker ones seem to hold up well to this abuse. I took a 
set out that I was sure were fried - nope - perfect! the cases had actually 
turned colors from the heat - the muffler guys were shocked they weren't 

The guy who created the Interceptor for the Mustang and for Peter's RX7 
cars might be able to provide you with a bit of fuel control or Peter here 
on the list (SuperChips) might be able to do a chip for your car? I still 
stand by my contention that the MSD is a Band-Aid and that when you modify 
cars that weren't OEM with boost that it's difficult. The Miata's spark 
curve and fuel curve had no idea of "boost" when it rolled from the 
factory. What you and many Mustang guys are doing is attempting to patch up 
something that's really off for a boosted app (IMO). Peter (Superchips) 
might be your best bet for this if you can work something out, I'm not sure 
that Peter Farrel has gotten inside this computer - he's been inside the 
RX7 one tho' (grin). The car he had in Car & Driver (Road and Track?) had a 
zillion chips in and out of it while getting ready to take to them for 
review. He blew the seals off his rotors on the way up there and had to be 
fixed by MD Performance Center on the way up (snicker). Tooo much booost he 

>From: 	Seth Allen[SMTP:n9540517 at]
Sent: 	Wednesday, April 03, 1996 2:34 PM
To: 	diy_efi at
Cc: 	Doug Gubbins; diy_efi at
Subject: 	Re: ATI Supercharging

On Wed, 3 Apr 1996, Frank Parker wrote:

> Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 15:15:07 -0500 (EST)
> From: Frank Parker <fparker at>
> To: Doug Gubbins <doug at>
> Cc: diy_efi at
> Subject: Re: ATI Supercharging
> >
> > I'm running an aftermarket intercooled supercharger on a 1.6L Mazda 
> > Max boost 12psi, using 93 octane fuel, higher when I can find it. The 
> > uses a boost-controlled variable fuel pressure regulator and an MSD 
> > retarder.
> >
> >
> > I am considering replacing the MSD spark retarder with a knock sensor
> > package that also contains an LED oxygen-sensor monitor. But it isn't 
> >
> I have a lot of experience using those fpr and msd boost retard. The 
> thing you need to do is find out if you are rich which I suspect. The O2
> sensor does put out a voltage when changes very little from rich to very
> rich unless you buy expensive $2500 UEGO sensor/electronics package. You
> need to dial in the a/f ratio better and it is hard to do with fpr. Can
> adjust to be ok @ 5psi, then off @ 12psi and reverse. There are some new
> electronic controllers to chg fuel press with boost but much more
> controllable.
> Hook digital voltmeter up to o2 sensor and monitor while driving. Will
> jump around but average about .5 during cruise. If lift throttle will 
> to 0 as cpu shuts off fuel and @ wot should be about .8 volts.
> I have lots of other things you can do. email mail back if interested.

 Frank Parker>
--I mostly agree with Frank--

IMHO, it is running rich,  which results in the highest exhaust temp.
Lean has excess oxygen, but the temp is cooler, the excess oxygen burns
valves and seats that way. A lean misfire with unburned fuel and oxygen
would really heat up the catalyst as it burned in the matrix. You could
detect a lean misfire as it stumbled under boost.  Leaning it back to
stoichiometric would cool it off a bit, but if it got lean, the exhaust
valves could have a hard time.  I think you might need a bigger catalyst
to reduce the catalyst loading. The stock catalyst cannot put up with the
extra exhaust gasses.  The stock catalysts on my VW golf will eventually
die an early life when exposed to continuous full throttle and stightly
rich mix. (My friend had this problem with his Golf gti, I had slight
clogging with my rabbit gti).

So, IMHO get a larger catalyst, maybe V8 sized.

Good luck,

Seth Allen

WWU Vehicle Research Institute

These opinions are just my own, and no warranty is expressed or implied.

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