Jim Pearl
JVP at qsi.com
Fri Apr 5 15:39:37 GMT 1996
They aren't the absolutely best this is true - however they're at least
close in the realm of affordability. While they were out of my range they
certainly didn't cost like some of the others!
Who would you say has the best and why? Motec? (fuzzy on that name) Some of
the more expensive boxes go with fuel control to each cylinder and do all
sorts of neat things - great for Indy maybe but my car drives on the street
(grin). The TEC has been used in some race series and I think it's software
is nice but the price of admission for box AND software was too much for my
pocketbook. Had I the cash and fewer emissions concerns I'd have gone with
them. Currently I have both a sniffer and a visual test to contend with - I
was worried that the TEC would be obvious enough to fail visual - not so
with the DFI!
I've been told there have been some problems with the TEC connectors on
their box - true? As I recall they use screws to hold down the wires? Been
awhile since I looked at one up close. All in all I'm fairly happy with my
DFI - I just wish they were continuing to develop software for it (like TEC
does) and continued the development of the box I've got. I've been told
that development for both has stopped - their money is going towards the
piggyback Ford box and the sequential box. Too bad for me and many
>From: Fred Miranda[SMTP:fcmefi at fishnet.net]
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 1996 11:39 AM
To: diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: RE: TEC
>was one of the big reasons I wanted to buy from them, oh well - maybe next
I like doing the harness myself. I run the wires where and how I want. Neat
sloppy. Also it's much easier to troubleshoot and change things with the
connectors they use.
Hope you weren't refering to the TEC when you refered to the best system
that nobody can afford. The TEC isn't in the same league as some of the
systems out there.
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