MAF sensor types (was re: Re: Sensor Questions?)
Ronald R Hoyt
Mon Apr 8 19:22:53 GMT 1996
~From: gtk110 at
~ Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:44:52 GMT
~> ~From: Tommy.Palm at
~> ~Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 11:27:43 -0500
~> ~only mathematics. Anyone interested?? I can supply formulas and
~> ~diagrams. I never finshed the job ( lack of reasons) but had a
working MAF
~> ~ready.
~> ~
~> I presume you meant Reynolds when you referred to Reinholds in which
case I am
~If it's Reynolds number, fill me in! (abbreviated "Re", right?)
~ Gannon
Reynolds number is abbreviated with Re. It is a dimensionless quantity
which relates a fluids viscosity with its velocity, density and flow
length. Consequently it relates the manifold lengths with the fluid
(A/F) in the manifold.
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