DIY_EFI Digest V1 #101

Ronald R Hoyt RONALD.R.HOYT at
Mon Apr 8 18:50:36 GMT 1996

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  DIY_EFI Digest              Sunday, 7 April 1996        Volume 01 : Number 101

  In this issue:

       Re: TEC
       National Semiconductor!
       B&S project
       RE: ATI Supercharging
       Re: ATI Supercharging
       RE: TEC
       Re: Karman Vortex MAF
       RE: Autronic

  See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the
  DIY_EFI or DIY_EFI-Digest mailing lists.


  From: "Jim Staff"  <staffj at>
  Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 10:49:02 GMT
  Subject: Re: TEC

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  What is this shit, and what real use does it have?
  Stop sending this!!!!!!! Turn off that beatnik option it's lame..

                           Jim Staff


  From: "Jim Staff"  <staffj at>
  Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 10:53:19 GMT
  Subject: National Semiconductor!

  Has every one checked out the National Semiconductor web page? They are by far

  the collest semiconductor manufacturer on the net!!! They have complete online

  data sheets and now you can even get samples from them online, yeah! I hate
  talking to some morron, repeating the part number a thousand times and even
  getting rejected. At least this is fast and always right. Also it displays the

  manufactures suggested price so you can see just how bad of a shaft the
  you use gives you!!!!

  Also is anyone interested in seeing the circuit diagram for my injector. It is

  complete, and I'm converting it to DXF so it's cross platform. I have it in
  TurboCAD format if anyone out there uses that.

                          Jim Staff.


  From: "Jim Staff"  <staffj at>
  Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 11:08:16 GMT
  Subject: B&S project

  Cliff Ducharme,

     What were the final specifications for you project? I remeber you said you
  had it working but then it blew your controller? Have you found out what
  happened, as it's really important if it is a Briggs & Stratton problem..

    Also forgot to ask if you kept the standard fly wheel or replaced it with
  more like a car flywheel?

                  Cool Beans,
                       Jim Staff


  From: Billy-Bob Doughnut OBE <bison at>
  Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 13:26:08 +-100
  Subject: RE: ATI Supercharging

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  I'm not all that familiar with catcons, but I am pretty sure that they are
  used solely for reduction of unburned hydrocarbons and combustible products
  in the exhaust.  After all, a catalyst by definition enhances or causes a
  chemical reaction to proceed faster, or initiates a reaction under conditions
  which it would not normally occur.  Logic dictates that if you are running
  lean, there would be less combustible by-products, and the catcon would not
  have "fuel" to react with, thus the internal temperature of the catcon would
  be lower.  (Jeez, I sound like Spock there :)  If, however, you run rich, the
  catcon has an abundance of fuel, which would cause it to overheat and fuse
  it's internals.  Some catcons have an auxiliary air input from the AIR system
  pump to provide additional oxygen to help combust unburned fuel, which would
  help to raise their internal temperature even more under rich conditions.

  I think this is a separate issue to exhaust gas temperature, which is
  generally higher under lean burning conditions, and lower with rich.  The
  catcon is capable of GENERATING heat greater than the incoming EGT if it
  has fuel to react with.  If you were running lean, EGT would be higher, but
  heat generated in the catcon would be lower, and vice versa.  IMHO, the
  change in exhaust gas temperature due to rich or lean would be much less
  than the change in catcon internal temperature under the same conditions.

  The exhaust gasses consist mainly of the following TOXIC components
  before they reach the catalytic converter:

  Hydrocarbons (unburnt fuel),
  Carbon monoxide,
  Oxides of nitrogen.

  Generally, a lean mixture will result in hotter exhaust gasses,
  producing more oxides of nitrogen. A catalytic converter functions
  between 300degc and 800degc, yemperatures in excess of 800degc lead to a
  drop i catalyst activity - thermal aging -  in the long run. At high
  temperatures the intermediate and precious metal layers fuse together or
  form large crystals (sintering or build up of mineral deposits). The
  result is a reduction in surface area and a drop in activity.

  Fresh air injection assists the post ignition thermal reaction,
  resulting in exhaust fumes containing fewer hydrocarbons and carbon
  monoxide. This is usually used at start up ONLY, before the cat has
  reached its light off temperature (300degc).

  Exhaust gas recirculation is used to reduce the levels of oxides of
  nitrogen in the exhaust. This happens through a reduction in combustion
  temperature, out of the range where NOX can be formed.

  Also, some controll systems are able to monitor exhaust gas temperature
  by measuring the current which is supplied to the heated lamda probe in
  order to keep it at opperating temperature, adjusting fueling and
  ignition to compensate.

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  From: Frank F Parker <fparker at>
  Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 07:33:41 -0500 (EST)
  Subject: Re: ATI Supercharging

  On Fri, 5 Apr 1996, ARTHUR OKUN wrote:

  > isnt duty cycle what the ecm really looks at how about a cheap micro
  > controlled duty cycle meter ?
  No, in the old days of 1/2 carb and 1/2 cpu, there were solenoids that
  ran a metering rod and that had duty cycle, buts thats not anything
  remotely current.


  From: Frank F Parker <fparker at>
  Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 07:59:57 -0500 (EST)
  Subject: RE: TEC

  On Fri, 5 Apr 1996, Fred Miranda wrote:

  > An altenative to Motec is Autronic, also from Australia. I have one in my
  > Can be had for $1100-1200US. Software around $50 I think.
  > 8 inj drivers with individual trims (sequential)
  > control for up to 4 coils (you supply drivers)
  > very good acceleration enrichment control
  > air temp correction that seems to work (in the TEC it causes problems due to
  > heat soak)
  > the list goes on

  Does Autronic have a web site or email address so we can get info????


  From: pjwales at (Peter Wales)
  Date: Sat, 06 Apr 1996 19:17:17 -0500
  Subject: Re: Karman Vortex MAF

  The Karman Vortex system needs an ultrasonic transmitter and receiver placed
  across the air passage. The output from the receiver is mixed with the input
  to get a beat signal which is the measure of air velocity.

  The air velocity is measured by creating vortices in the air stream and this
  is done by putting a triangular obstruction in the middle. Then the air flow
  sheds vortices proportionally to the speed of the air going through. It
  looks like this in section.

                                 |   |Receiver
  - -----------------------------|___|-----------------------------

  - ->                        /|
                             / | @  @ Vortices :)
  - ->AIRFLOW               /  |
                            \  |
  - ->                       \ |
                              \|@  @

  - -----------------------------|___|----------------------------
                                 |   |

  It only measures air speed and I have no idea how to calibrate it. The
  Mitsubishi system uses bypasses and only measures a percentage of the air
  going into the engine. It also has a honeycomb flow straightener in front of
  it to remove spurious vortices from the air flow.

  I hope this will give you wizards some ideas

  Peter Wales                    pjwales at
  President Superchips Inc
  Chairman Superchips Ltd        "Timing is everything"
  Superchips home page with all the answers


  From: Fred Miranda <fcmefi at>
  Date: Sat, 6 Apr 1996 23:14:53 GMT
  Subject: RE: Autronic

  >Does Autronic have a web site or email address so we can get info????
  No and unfortunatly they are not well represented here in the States.
  TAD the pro rally outfit in Illinois is your best bet for info. (thats who I
  deal with)
  For those interested, they are up on the "boost at idle" thing, in fact
  is working on this also.

  TAD  (708)550 8116  ask for Murray



  End of DIY_EFI Digest V1 #101

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