Looking for MC3484 peak/hold injector drivers

Charles cmorris at ix.netcom.com
Fri Apr 26 01:11:50 GMT 1996

You wrote: 

>On the EFI332 list there have been group purchases for various ICs. 

    Do you have the address? What is this, a Motorola 68332 group?

> Reaching 50 pieces shouldn't be too hard, especially if there are 
some V8 applications out there.  And at 50 pieces or more, the price 
might even be reasonable.  How much does Cherry want?

    I didn't ask. Even at $4 each that's a lot of money! But a group 
purchase might still be a good idea...

>PS.  I still say use a power MOSFET (and an external ballast resistor 
if using low resistance injectors).  Eliminates the dependance on these 
damn custom ICs.

    Thanks for the input, Bryan. The advantage to the peak-hold driver 
(as opposed to a simple switch with a ballast resistor) is a much 
faster opening and closing time. This becomes more important at small 
pulsewidths...better repeatability, larger dynamic range. (Problem is 
the RL time constant).


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