Eprom Security Board

Land Shark lndshrk at xmission.com
Fri Aug 9 19:17:26 GMT 1996

At 11:22 AM 8/9/96 UTC-0700, you wrote:

>But Jimster, if this was true, couldn't one just uplug the eprom and stick
>it in the reader?  Or are the soldered on?

 But the EPROM is encrypted and the little "thingie" actually DECRYPTS it for
 the processor .. BUT an EPROM reader does NOT access and EPROM the same as
 the MCU does, so it does NOT fully decrypt and the readout fails..


 PS: ANY DECENT MCU ENGINEER can break these things in 2 minutes .. but WHY?!?
     It's easier (for me at least) to reverse the DME myself..

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