Eprom Security Board

Todd Knighton knighton at net-quest.com
Sat Aug 10 00:08:01 GMT 1996

Land Shark wrote:
>  PS: ANY DECENT MCU ENGINEER can break these things in 2 minutes .. but WHY?!?
>      It's easier (for me at least) to reverse the DME myself..

	Actually, Jim, I've had them in my hands because people send them to me
to break.  Your right, but I think it took about 5 minutes to fire up
the ICE and rewire an old C1 computer to take a 27C512 chip.  Then
wallah, there comes the code, just as it should be.  
	I'm just trying to keep the other 99.99% of the population from copying
our code, I know that it's still unsafe to people on this board, but
then they're the ones that get the encripted microprocessors with only
data tables in the eprom's.  Let's have some fun with those.

Todd Knighton
Protomotive Engineering
Email: knighton at net-quest.com

P.S. Thanks to everyone on the board for the great response.  Sounds
like everyone on this board is just chomping at the bit for some really
fun thing to chat about. Hmmm, let's see...  How about electric motors
mounted in the hubs of each wheel that will not only be motors, but
regenerative brakes as well as use the magnetic properties of the motors
for levitation so a bearing or some teflon surface would only be used
for powered down conditions.  Then let's build the EFI332 to control all
these things.  Actually, you wouldn't even need a steering wheel, you
could use the controller to rotate the wheels at different speeds like a
tank and turn the vehicle about it's axis.  
	But let's not be boring here.  Let's put an onboard turbine engine to
generate power for these things so we have some acceleration, otherwise
200hp motors at 4 wheels, or 800hp wouldn't last too long with the
conventional battery technology.  You know, it's gotta be fun, even if
it does comply with the zero emmissions stuff.

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