Todd Knighton
knighton at net-quest.com
Fri Aug 16 18:41:29 GMT 1996
Read a paper once that the O2 sensors will change their reading
(indicating leaner) at higher pressures. Thus, upstream of the turbine
would give a different reading on boost than off.
Todd Knighton
Protomotive Engineering
Edward C. Hernandez wrote:
> >Put one(HEGO) after a turbo or at the collector of a header
> > and you will likely have problems at idle and low rpm light load >running.
> I believe most factory turbo setups have the HEGO downstream of the
> turbine. I've owned two cars like this(Chrysler 2.2 and Mitsu 2.0), and
> they worked fine. Of course, BOTH of them had O2 sensor recalls that
> consisted of merely replacing the sensors(as opposed to relocating
> them). I still don't know why they were recalled, and I couldn't tell
> any difference in closed loop performance after the change.
> Anyone else seen factory setups with the HEGOs upstream of the turbine?
> --
> Ed Hernandez
> Ford Motor Company
> ehernan3 at ed8719.pto.ford.com
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