Bosch Info and the Patent Office
Doug Rorem
rorem at
Tue Aug 20 18:31:41 GMT 1996
>> To: "'DIY EFI'" <diy_efi at>
>> From: Brian J Hanson/OIIS/EKC
>> <Brian_J_Hanson/OIIS/EKC%KODAK at>
>> Date: 20 Aug 96 13:21:23 EDT
>> Subject: Bosch Info
>> X-Importance: High
>> Mime-Version: 1.0
>> Content-Type: Text/Plain
>> Sender: owner-diy_efi at
>> Precedence: bulk
>> Reply-To: diy_efi at
>> I've been wondering about how to get the best info possible on Bosch EFI
>> designs since it seems to be quite difficult to get alot of detailed info on
>> their systems. So on a whim I decided to try the on-line search of the US
>> Patent Office. I was able to find the patents for most of Bosch's products.
>> The on-line information they give is very basic, but I was thinking, anyone can
>> get the detailed information of anything Bosch has patented in the US. This
>> would provide all the detailed information about that specific system. My
>> question is, does Bosch protect the "inner workings" of their EFI under some
>> "trade secret" law or would all of their info be available? Has anyone tried
>> this? It's my understanding that anything filed with the Patent Office is ava
>> ilable to anyone, right?
The problem with looking at the patent filings is that (the ones I've seen)
are just a bunch of legalese and not very informative. I believe that's
done on purpose to not reveal anything, but still have a basis for
a court challenge should someone manage to copy (or use) it.
Doug Rorem
University of Illinois at Chicago (312)-996-5439 [voice]
EECS Department RM 1120 (312)-413-1065 [fax]
851 S. Morgan Street (708)-996-2226 [pager]
Chicago, IL 60607-7053 rorem at
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