Boost retard

William A. Sarkozy mymove at
Fri Aug 23 00:18:56 GMT 1996

At 11:22 PM 8/22/96 +0200, you wrote:
>Sorry I got the wrong subject in my last message:)
>I was just wondering if anyone out there knows how to build an ignition 
>retard device. We have a 4 cyl BMW engine with turbo which we use for 
>dragracing, and we are interested in getting boost at the start.If you 
>retard the ignition heavily and pump the gas, the boost will start to rise.
>The only problem is that I don't know how to build such a device. MSD has 
>one in their MSD6BTM.
>If anyone has a clue, please don't hesitate to answer.
>Fredrik Skog				'70 2002 ti O==00==O  \\\  Amiga 1200
>Email: c95fsg at					       \\\ ///
>WWW:				\\X//
Get hold of a book by Hugh McInnes titled TURBOCHARGERS.  He devotes an entire
chapter to ignition systems, including boost retard mechanisms.  You'll
probably find
the rest of the book interesting as well.


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