Fuel Pump Return line

Michael F. Sargent MSargent at gallium.com
Mon Aug 26 20:44:39 GMT 1996

> The way the return line
> system works, the fuel is constantly circulated through the tank,
> its filter sock, and whatever other filters are in line.

One reason use the fuel tank recurculation method is that it keeps the
fuel cool. If you continually circulate a small quantity of fuel through
the pump, it will heat up quickly. Perfromance problems will occur if you're
lucky, and a fuel fire will occur if you're damned.
| Michael F. Sargent   | Net: msargent at gallium.com | Phone: 1(613)721-0902 |
| Gallium Software Inc.|                           | FAX:   1(613)721-1278 |

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