Bosch MAF to Hitachi MAF

Terry McLane 312.630.0533 MCLANE.TERRY at
Wed Aug 28 19:42:07 GMT 1996

    I am wondering if anyone can help me.  I have a car with a Bosch style 
    MAF on it using the velocity meter approach of the L-Jetronic.  Since 
    the MAF is on a Turbo car, I would like to replace the restrictive 
    velocity meter with one of the new non-restrictive Hitachi units like 
    those that are used on the new 3800 Series II.  Both use a 5V 
    reference, but the Bosch reads low when maxed out, the Hitach reads 
    high when maxed out. My questions are :
    Is there an easy way to invert the voltage signal from the Hitachi to 
    the ECU?
    Is there any way to also adjust the low/hi voltage signals, and 
    interpolate between them?  If I could get the voltage of both units at 
    a set of RPM (idle, max torque), it would be nice to get a smooth 
    Being a software engineer (without a background in electronics), I am 
    turning to this group for help.  Thanks :-)  
    e-mail:  tm8 at

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